Advertise in the Dispatch to help capture your share of the 16.5 billion dollars* of military compensation in San Diego county
The San Diego Armed Forces Dispatch serves active duty and retired military personnel, reservists, veterans and their families. We distribute 20,000 papers each week to all the bases in the San Diego area, as well as the ships in port. We deliver door to door and direct mail to military housing units. We also deliver to key spots in the community that have military traffic (USO, Armed Services YMCA, shipyards, and many other central locations.)
The Dispatch accepts both display and classified advertising. Most of our ads are sold on one time or multiple week contracts. There is a discount for purchasing a multiple week contract. We also accept pre-printed inserts. For more information on our display advertising e-mail us at with your name, company name and phone number and a rep will call you back or call us at 619.280.2985 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pacific Time).
The Dispatch advertising policy and information:
Space Reservation Friday, noon
Ad Copy Deadline* Monday, 5 p.m.
Camera Ready Ads Tuesday, noon
*Ads larger than 1/2 page or with difficult composition must be submitted by Friday noon.
Cancellation: Same as deadlines for placing ads. Late cancellations will be subject to full charge.
Size Requirements & Mechanical Measurements
Modular ad sizes
Full page image area 10.25" x 12.75 "
Double-truck makeup size 21-5/8" x 12.75"
Tabloid double-truck gutter 1 inch
Materials preferred pdf files
Screens preferred 200 line
Ad size |
Horizontal |
Vertical |
1/16 Page |
5"x1-5/8" |
3-1/4"x2-1/2" |
1/8 Page |
5"x3-1/8" |
3-1/4"x4-1/2" |
1/4 Page |
10-1/4"x3-1/8" |
5"x6-3/8" |
1/2 Page |
10-1/4"x6-3/8" |
5"x12-3/4" |
Full Page |
10-1/4"x12-3/4" |
*Advertisements over 11 inches deep will be billed as full page depth.
All advertisers receiving contract rates must have signed agreements. Advertisers are subject to short rate if contract is cancelled early. Rates may be raised on 30 days notice.
Copy Regulations and Responsibilities
a. We reserve the right to insert the words "Advertisement" in all ads. Advertising simulating news must carry the word "'Advertisement" and must also include a 2 point rule or border.
b. Liability for errors in advertisements shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the error. We will provide a correction letter if we have failed to correct errors clearly marked by the advertiser on return proofs.
c. All advertising accepted is subject to the approval of the publisher. We shall have the right to revise or reject in whole or in part any advertisement which is not in the best interest of our newspaper or readers.
d. Alcohol and tobacco advertising accepted.
e. Model releases must accompany pictures submitted for advertising.
Payment for all advertising is due before publication date by check or by credit card. A monthly billing account is available with approved credit application and references. No credit will be extended to advertiser having a balance due over 60 days. All charges for advertising are due and payable on the 15th of the month following insertion. Past due accounts are subject to 1.5% monthly service charge.
National Advertising Partners
National Military Advertising + Marketing Agency
Refuel Agency is the largest provider of Media Advertising + Marketing services specializing in and reaching active duty, spouses, veterans and retired military audiences throughout the United States for national brands. |
Classified line ads
Our classified line ads cost $20 for a 3-line ad. There are approximately 32 characters and spaces per line. Currently we are offering a special which is 'buy 3 weeks of a classified line ad and get the fourth week free.' The total is $60 for a 3-line ad for four weeks. If you'd like to place a classified line ad now, please call our office at 619.280.2985. Remember, all of our ads must be pre-paid so please have your credit card ready (we currently Visa, MasterCard and American Express).
Classified display ads
If you have a larger ad, want larger type or a logo, we save you money by offering an inch rate. Our classified display ads are sold by the inch. A 1-inch ad costs $35 per week. To place a classified display ad please call us at 619.280.2985 or e-mail our us at with your phone number and we will call you back.
3-line ad = $20 for one insertion
3-line ad = $60 for 4 insertions
Remember $5 per week for each additional line!
Reach active duty and retired military and veterans each week with your ad in the Armed Forces Dispatch.
*2022 SDMAC Military Economic Impact Report